I won’t spend much time on this particular obstacle because it speaks for itself.
Satan’s power is increased through our choices, which is why he tempts us to do things his way. He knows that we must open the door to let him in.
He will use many things to divide and rob us of relationship. Breaking up the family unit is something he must do to gain power on this earth. We give in to him through impatience, anger, deceit, offenses, misunderstanding, unforgiveness, stubbornness, pride, and everything else that is contrary to God.
I can remember a time in my life when I was bound by perfectionism (pride). Because of this I had a need to be in control of my life, which included my husband, children and anyone else that wanted to be a part of it. After years of getting undesirable results, I began to consider that maybe all the difficulty and lack of peace I was experiencing was due to something in me that needed to change. Just maybe the people in my life who didn’t do things to my satisfaction weren’t as wrong as I thought they were. As I began to seek answers, the Lord began to reveal truth to me (it came so slowly). I learned that the love and grace that exudes from Christ was there to cover all of my imperfections and that He wasn’t standing around with a big stick waiting to oust me if I did wrong. I learned how to walk in His grace toward myself. Then I was able to extend it to others. I thought by being in control of my life (which as it turns out I wasn’t) and making sure it was all done right (in my own eyes) that I would gain acceptance from the Lord. Now realize, change didn’t take place over night. It has been a long hard road of being humbled by the Lord and I assume because of my sinfulness it’s not over yet. But when God reveals things in our lives that need to change, He is faithful to give us the strength we need to obey Him. But the choice is ours and every time we make a deliberate choice to not do things His way we welcome the influence of the enemy of our soul into our lives. Now, as it relates to parenting, when I choose as a parent to not obey God’s instruction, I am deciding to open the door for destruction, division, and whatever else comes with the flesh, devil, and world. The consequences of our choices are far reaching, even to the next generation. We may never know until our children are adults, with children of their own, just how much our disobedience has cost.
Be encouraged today to walk closely to Jesus. He is the only one who can truly guide you. Even though we do have an enemy, we have a heavenly Father who is capable of protecting, teaching and leading us. He will keep us as we surrender our will to Him.
Due to my lack of relevant photographs, I continue to take advantage of the opportunity to post some of my favorite photos. Grace-Works